What you can do to help

Remove Trump From Office


Last revised 4Mar18


We only promote nonviolent and legal activities. Other activities may make you feel better short term, but are counterproductive to strengthening democratic values.



Direct activities to remove Trump from office


1. Shun Trump businesses - donŐt visit, buy from or work for.


2. Write / call / email Trump and ask him to resign.


3. Write / call / email or meet with your Senators and Members of Congress and ask them to take steps to remove Trump from office.


4. Participate in public protests or other activities that put pressure on Trump to resign or on others to take steps to remove him from office.


5. Sign petitions
















Indirect activities to remove Trump from office, directed at Trump's enablers.


1. Shun Fox News - donŐt watch or be associated with them in any way.


2. Shun organizations that support Trump on important issues, such as the NRA.


3. If conservative, shun the GOP and help establish a new party based on rational thinking.


4. Shun TrumpŐs enablers, including his cabinet and their businesses (such as Amway and other DeVos businesses).


5. Move your money from large banks to credit unions.


6. Support businesses such as Trader Joes and Costco that pay their workers a living wage.


7. Support small businesses rather than big businesses, unless you know the big businesses are paying their workers a living wage and are paying their fair share of taxes, or unless you have no alternative.


8. Work on important issues that Trump is ignoring, such as climate change, Russian interference with elections, reducing gun deaths, reducing wealth inequality, health care, immigration and promoting the general welfare of all Americans.


I have started a Trump log to keep track of what I am doing. How about you?


Contact: Nat Pernick, NatPernick@gmail.com

Website: natpernick.com/removetrump.html

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/347407082409292/